Today Rach and I went for a walk. First walk in a while, tsk tsk.... Many more will follow! First we came upon a forestry road, which we walked along for awhile. We saw to our right, a little ways in, a magical wonderfully mossy green carpeted, rather organized-looking forest, so we hopped over the creek and made our way in. Here are 2 pics of it, it was so fairy-tale looking.
In the summer it seems it would be lovely to go in there and have a lovely picnic on the mossy green carpet in amongst the trees... So then we left that area and headed back out onto the road. We came upon some cows, which we were trying to communicate with via moo-ing. When that didn't work Rach started jumping up and down to get them interested in coming over, but instead succeeded in terrifying them so that they all ran at an ever-increasing clip into a nearby wooded glen of sorts. The poor things do not react well to jumping jacks, it would seem. They were still hiding there when we were returning home from our walk. When we got to the river over the bridge we had a "Winnie the Pooh" race (where you drop sticks on one side and see whose gets to the other side of the bridge the fastest), but the river was so fast and our sticks were the same colour as the river, so we lost track of them and went on our way. The little black and white dog down by Ned's house followed us on our walk once we got to his house, and in fact followed us for the rest of our walk, including all the way back to our house. He's still here, and if he doesn't leave soon, we'll have to drive him back home because we can't feed the cats while he's here.... We call him "the suicide dog" because he likes to lurk on one side or the other (depending on where the car's coming from) of Ned's van, and then race out right as a car is driving by, to chase it down the road. The thing is when you're driving it looks like he's running practically right under your car, so a lot of people (including us) slow down when we get near Ned's house, so as not to accidentally kill the poor thing. He's a very happy dog, very sweet, but I hope he's gone now so we can feed the cats their dinner.....