Thursday, September 22, 2011

Food, Primarily

I was wandering along Magazine street yesterday (as it is the street that I seem to wander along every day...), and I popped into this "Superfood Bar" place (hole in the wall). First I got an iced coconut water with green tea (the ice cubes were made of the same combo), which was lovely of course, and then I got this pineapple-basil-almond milk-coconut oil-VitaMineral Green drink, which was delicious! And then, not only did Joseph (the guy running the place) offer me a job, he offered to CREATE a job for me! And I mean, I AM pretty in love with NOLA so.....

It doesn't matter how inconvenient it is for my hair, or for anything else, I just love being in a warm humid climate. It's like walking along in a damp warm blanket that never cools down, as strange sounding an analogy as that may be. I love it! It goes so well with the mood of New Orleans too. Words to describe New Orleans: romantic, charming, and gothic.

Also at the Superfood Bar they had coupons for a free coffee at Hey Cafe, so I put that to good use. It was a cute little hipster place.

And then last night for supper we went to the Roosevelt Hotel restaurant Domenica, where the food was amazing, and the menu actually fairly progressive (veg. options, some buckwheat noodles), but everything was SO full of fat that we felt disgusting after dinner. What we had: kale (which we found out later had been cooked in meat fat, hence the heavenly bacon flavour; yeah I could have asked about it before I kept eating it, but you have to understand how tasty this kale was...) with reggiano cheese, cooked polenta with cherry tomatoes, and a cheese and meat platter with various tasty little condiments, like wasabied cherries and things. No I didn't eat the meat from the platter. Ok I know I've gone off on a food tangent, but the food I ate yesterday was seriously worth talking about. And it's my blog. I can do whatever I want!

Anyway, good day for food. Oh, and then after dinner we went to the Sazerac Bar, within the same hotel, where I ordered, of course, a sazerac. Which is actually a fairly popular drink in other bars in NOLA as well.

And that was yesterday.


  1. Sounds like a delicious trip so far! Take more photos - i like them. Wish I was there with you, wandering...
