Saturday, September 18, 2010

Off Kilter-riffic

I have a feeling that our constant communal need to preserve our dignity may be a huge hindrance when it comes to living our lives to the fullest. Generally, when we feel compelled to do something significant, there is some risk to our dignity in carrying out whatever the task may be. And so, paralleled with this feeling of being compelled to do something, we feel at the same time compelled to maintain our dignity. And maintaining all of one's dignity may help save face, but chances are it won't give yield much of a thrill or any real sense of accomplishment at the end of one's life.

If there's something I've observed in people in my 27 years of life so far, it's that the people who seem to have no shame about their actions (whatever those actions may be) and come off as a little bit off kilter, tend to be living the fullest lives, and tend to be the most authentic, and ultimately fulfilled, people I know.