Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hey, It's Nothing Personal.

I said to my sister today that I would MUCH rather be in Iraq with her, hiding under the bed from bomb attacks, than be working at my present job in Vancouver. I mean, I think that says something about the job situation! At least in Iraq, the attacks aren't personal.

Plus, it's warm there. And that counts for a lot, in my books.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not Sunshine

I'm feeling that same feeling I felt when I was at the very end of a bad relationship I once was in. An overwhelming sense of numbness. I just go through the motions, go to work every day, deal with a bunch of crap I don't care about, and get a paycheque at the end of 2 weeks. I'm like that character in an indie movie that lives in a small town and works in a dead end job, day after meaningless day. There's always at least one shot in those movies of that character staring mindlessly into space, usually with horrible elevator-type music in the background.

Don't get me wrong, there are things I'm happy about and enjoy in life; for example, the cats I'm living with. Incredibly charming and adorable, they certainly make my life better. And I have at least a couple very good friends in this city. But ultimately, I'm beyond, BEYOND done with this city and this life I've created for myself. It's time to move on. Just a few more months, and I'll go somewhere else and hopefully start to feel alive again.