Sunday, December 11, 2011

Irish Rain

Day 4 of living in Scalp.

The weather is exactly the same as Vancouver weather. Rain, fairly often, with long stretches (days) of it, and then long stretches without it. A day of raining, clearing up at around 1:30 pm for an hour of sun going in and out, and then back to rain, and darkness around 4:00 or 4:30. I'm currently averaging about 15-20 cups of tea a day, some with caffeine, some not. Am attempting a personalized vegan routine, which is defined as: I don't buy dairy in my groceries, so I don't it it at home, but if I'm out, I don't let it limit me. As in, I will eat pizza with as much as 2 different kinds of cheese on it. I mean, who am I kidding, if there was a pizza being offered with 5 different cheeses on it, I would eat that in a second as well. We'll call it "Home Veganism", or "The Commitment-phobe's Guide to Not Really Being A Vegan" So that's going pretty well..... Buying a "Sheese"- brand fake cream cheese to spread on rice cakes has been very helpful in my new diet. Haven't had a coffee in 11 days, and I'm thinking of breaking that winning streak, because, like I always say, if you're going to break one rule, why not break them all? (The other rule that I'm "breaking" being that I'm not a REAL vegan.) Coffee makes me happy, so I think that's a good reason to drink it.

In other news, the cats here are very cute, which isn't really news, at least not to cat-lovers, because to us, all cats are very cute. And the one named Angel is very sweet, which IS news, because not all cats are sweet, not by a long shot.

We went to Gort again yesterday. I saw a sign with the name "Niall" on it, over which I got ridiculously excited and immediately took a picture and posted it on my brother's wall on facebook, because in my entire 28 years of life so far, I have never met a Niall besides my brother. Not that I've met this man from the sign, but taking a pic of the sign is proof that he exists, in a town I live near, and that is good enough for me.

Also when in Gort, we went to 2 very similar supermarket chains, called Lidl and Aldi. Apparently they are owned by 2 german brothers, and whenever one opens up, the other opens up very near by, in a competitive sort of way. I don't really know what's supposed to be in these stores, to give one an edge over the other, but they are very very similar inside. As far as I can tell they seem to carry almost the exact same stock. I think Aldi may have a bit more marketing on it's side, but I haven't really been here long enough to know for sure. If I were going to choose one store or the other, I would base it solely on which one I was currently closest to.

So there you go.


  1. I'm loving the German supermarket chain owning brothers. I think that's fairly adorable.
    I'm very impressed with your veganism. I myself approach avoiding drinking wine in the same understated way, and really, i think that's a much better way. Because why be all hardcore about things?

  2. I like your use of the word understated there, to give laziness a classy sound.

  3. Keep up the posts Bouey! You're a great writer! Sounds like a fun rural lifestyle! I remember having a nice hot shower was a near impossibility in that corner of the world...
