Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Green Mouthful of Mistake

Today there has been much productivity before leaving the house. Is that still impressive if you're not leaving the house until 12:45? I guess it's all relative. (I'm never really sure how to use that expression...)

At breakfast this morning my mom and I were discussing how to incorporate spirulina into one's food without having to put it in a drink. So we contemplated having a teaspoon followed by a big mouthful of oatmeal. And I thought to myself: it's just spirulina, just put some in your mouth, and have some tea. So I took a giant spoonful, and shoved it into my mouth. DISGUSTING! NEVER do this. I tried to wash it down with some tea, but there was so much powder I couldn't even make it work. And the tea didn't "wash it down", it just turned a bunch of it into paste! Thick, sticky paste. And the best part was that it tasted like an ocean floor. So my mom saw me struggling, and threatening to spit it all out, and kept telling me what a waste of money that would be, finally trying to make it better by giving me chocolate to eat with it. I tried it, and no. Just no. That stuff was not going to be swallowed. It mostly got spat out. It was like "Jackass" for health nuts.

We popped by our neighbour Brendan's house a couple days ago for tea, but he was busy renovating the house. And when he found out my mom'll only be here until Tuesday, he told us we should come by Sunday (today) for lunch. But then yesterday the airline she was going to fly with went bankrupt! So after a day of trying to sort all that out, now her flight is this coming Saturday instead. Now, because we are a bunch of neuorotic fusspants, we felt guilty for having Brendan and his wife make lunch for us under the (now) false pretenses of my mom leaving so soon. So I called him this morning to explain that she would be flying out a few days later, and so should we still come over? To which he responded by saying of course! Unless you have other plans? And he sounded a bit confused as to why I was calling, at which point I realized, it's just lunch, of course the plan is still on. "Oh, now you're not going until SATURDAY? And you were STILL going to come by for lunch?? What do we look like, your lunch slaves??? Call us back when you're actually leaving town! Better yet, never call us again!! .... *muttering*: 'of ALL the NERVE...'"

So anyway, it's off to Brendan's for lunch today.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, many small spoons of green slime is easier than one big mouthful of green cement.
    I can see your trepidation with the lunch, good thing it wasn't something to shake a stick at. I hate shaking sticks at lunch.
