Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The travelling adventure has begun! I am currently in New Orleans (NOLA), and am feeling a bit trapped in the hotel room, as I seem to hear nothing but warnings not to go outside on my own. I'm having a bit of a hard time distinguishing which are "safe" areas and which are "do not walk alone" territory, and am afraid the only way I will find out for sure is if I'm walking around, safe here, ok, it's safe here, here, here, and BAM - just got mugged and pistol-whipped! Ok, NOT safe on THAT particular block, note to self..... And the thing that makes it extra scary is I have pretty much zero sense of direction and am likely, if someone warns me not to go east, to end up deep east for most of the day quite by accident. So anyway, I'm sure everything will be fine, ha ha, oh god... No it will be, I'll be fine. I've decided today to check out the New Orleans "health food" scene, so Whole Foods and a cafe that serves fresh fruit and vegetable juices are on the list, and we will see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Try walking only at night. Then you can use the stars to find your way around!

    Also, only wear dark clothing, as it will decrease the light pollution around you.
